Special Interest Groups

Our Special Interest Groups are member-led. Most meet via Zoom and are supplemented with an online discussion community. Special interest groups focus on art quilts, scrap quilts, and mystery quilts. Our EQ 8 User Group focuses on quilt design software.

Our special interest groups are free and open to the public. We do not require membership in RCQG but we do appreciate an optional donation in our online store.

Mystery Quilters Anonymous

This special interest group is for quilters who enjoy an adventure into the unknown. Instructions for mystery quilts are released a step or two at a time for quilters who don’t know how the final project will look. For quilters in this group, the mystery is a big part of the enjoyment. If you like mysteries, join us! Who knows the twists and turns that await!!??!!

This special interest group uses a mailing list, rather than regularly scheduled meetings, to share information, progress and enthusiasm without the commitment of a regular meeting. Of course, it’s easy to arrange a virtual meeting when the occasion calls for it. To subscribe to the mailing list, send an email.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Royal City EQ 8 Users Group

This special interest group is intended for those who own EQ 8 quilt design software and want to become more proficient users of the program features. Group study and challenges are a regular feature. The EQ 8 group is divided in two groups. The daytime group via Zoom on Friday mornings. The evening group meets on Zoom on the 4th Tuesday of January, March, May, September and November.

If you’d like to join us, please send an email to [email protected] for more details. Visit the Events page for meeting details

Stash Busters Special Interest Group

Do you have a fabric stash you’d like to bust? No stash, but love to sew? The Stash Busters would love to meet you. We are an informal group of quilters from a number of guilds in the area. The group meets from 9:30 to 3:30 (Eastern) on the first Wednesday of each month. Come when you can. Leave when you must.

We are a member-led group of quilters with a wide range of skill levels. We work on a new project in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. A volunteer from the group presents a new project every few months but participants work at their own pace. Projects range from placemats to quilts and bags. Download the Stash Busters Project Information Resource Sheet here [pdf]. The group’s co-leaders are Sue Foard and Adriana Fagan. If you’d like more information about our group, please send an email to [email protected]

But, there’s more! RCQG has received generous fabric donations. If you would like to sew for one of our community outreach projects, please talk to the group leaders about a kit from the RCQG stash. Now, let’s go bust some stash!

Recent Stash Busters Projects