Virtual Meeting – Berene Campbell

Virtual Meeting - Berene Campbell


September 10, 2024    
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


Online via Zoom
Online, via Zoom

Event Type

ALL TOGETHER NOW: Harnessing hope by working together for change.

In her talk Berene encourages leaning into discomfort and tells the story of how her work has evolved by embracing the emotional ride that the past few years have been for us all.

To quote Berene from her website:

“Quilts hold the spirit of their makers, and the secrets of their thoughts pondered while stitching. They are beautiful treasures that provide us with warmth & comfort, but they can do more for us if we so choose. Quilts can be posters for our ideas, messengers of our messages, and uniters of our communities. They hold great power.”