2021-2022 Programmes
Monthly meetings are held at 7pm (Eastern) on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from September through June. Monthly meetings are virtual and feature guest speakers and Member Show and Share.
Download the 2021-2022 Programs, Workshops, and Events Schedule [pdf]
2021-2022 Guest Speakers

Cathie Ugrin
September 14, 2021
Cathie is a Manitoba-based fabric artist whose work is characterized by a rich and inventive use of colour and unique approach to geometrical design. She writes, “Living with mental illness is a journey and a process. An emotional and physical roller-coaster that includes and involves loved ones, family and friends.”
Cathie presents her own experiences living with a family member suffering from mental illness as a case study and talks about how the creation of her solo fibre art exhibit Feeling from Without and Within uses art as a release and a means to understanding.
Through beautiful visuals, poetry, and descriptions of the pieces created for the exhibit, Cathie’s 45-minute presentation will move and inspire you.

Barbara Brackman
October 12, 2021
Out of Control: Quilts That Break the Rules
Traditional quiltmakers express creativity within definite and established forms. By looking, quiltmakers learn – for example – that quilts have squared corners and that they fit on beds. It isn’t until we see such rules ignored that we realize how important the unspoken concepts are. This slide show looks at some crazy good quilts that defy those conventions and do it successfully. You’ll be laughing at how outrageously some quilts break the rules, but you’ll also get a license to follow your own muse.
Barbara Brackman is a quilt historian and author from Lawrence, Kansas. She’s written many books over the past forty years, indexing patterns, ex ploring women’s history through their quiltmaking and giving guidelines
for dating fabrics and quilts. She writes several blogs about quilt history, including Material Culture and Civil War Quilts.
Barbara was on the board of the Kansas Quilt Project; is a founding mem ber of the American Quilt Study Group and honorary curator of quilts at the Spencer Museum of Art at the University of Kansas.
Her most recent books are Divided Hearts: A Civil War Friendship Quilt and the third edition of her classic Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns. She also designs reproduction prints for quilters for Moda.
Barbara has retired from traveling to lecture, but is developing skills in online programming so she can give virtual programs for guilds and museums.
Contact: [email protected]
Blog: barbarabrackman.blogspot.com

David Owen Hastings
November 9, 2021
The modern quilting movement is evolving and changing, but one thing remains consistent: simple, spare design combined with thoughtful quilting make an outstanding combination.
David is a modern quilter, graphic designer, print and textile artist, and was the 2020 President of the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild. He creates richly layered contemporary artwork and modern minimal quilt and textile designs. For over 20 years, David has exhibited his stitched paper artwork in galleries and juried shows and worked exclusively with nonprofit organizations on their branding and communications.
David’s creative approach to modern quilting has led to a busy schedule of workshops and lectures on quilting, branding for artists, fine art and textile techniques. Sharing knowledge, encouraging creativity, and teaching new skills are personal passions. He also loves to travel, especially in Asia, and enjoys sharing his experiences and inspiration through travel photos and stories.
DAVID’S WEB SITE: www.davidowenhastings.com
INSTAGRAM: @davidowenhastings

Annie Smith
December 14, 2021
Annie takes the audience through a journey of color trends and fabric, discussing the key to your fabric choices. No matter what your skill level, learn how to elevate the personality of your quilts through choosing fabric with a new eye on color. We thoroughly discuss the keys to fabric selection and ways to make color design rules work for you.
Annie Smith is a quilt imagineer, author, national and international quilt instructor and a podcaster. She’s a BERNINA Artisan Ambassador, an Aurifilosopher, a LauraStar Ambassador, is an iQuilt instructor and an Annie’s Craft Store instructor — in addition to producing her own online classes. Her areas of expertise are color and fabric choices and machine applique of which she’s written two books for C&T Publishing. You could say that Annie’s life is filled with quilts, and she knows a thing or two about quilting.
Annie’s website: anniesmith.net

Nancy Prince
January 11, 2022
Nancy Prince, an award-winning quilt artist from Orlando, Florida specializes in thread painting. She and Linda French are the co-winners of the 2014 Handi-Quilter Best of Show award for On this Winter Day at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, and in 2016 at the HMQS show in Salt Lake City and Shipshewana Quilt Festival in Indiana, plus the Marie White Masterpiece award at Road to California.
She is the author of two books: Simple Thread Painting and Thread Painting with Style. She currently has a show and classroom lessons on www.thequiltshow.com. Her quilts have appeared in national magazines and have won numerous quilting awards. She has received First Place Pictorial winner at American Quilter’s Society Quilt Show in Paducah and Best of Show at the NQA Quilt Show. Other awards have included 16 Viewer’s Choice Awards, Most Creative Use of Thread, Artistic Merit, Outstanding Innovative Quilt and Judge’s Recognition at recent shows.

A Royal Virtual Route
February 8, 2022
We are excited to share a virtual tour of four Guild members’ studios: Maggie Vanderweit, Judy Eckhardt, Cheryl Cowan and Monica Bell. Experience firsthand how they have set up their creative spaces.
Member Show and Share will ask all members to share one of the best ideas they use in their studio: storage, layout, or other!

Leslee White-Eye
March 8, 2022
Thirteen quilters representing Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Lenape Nations of the southwest region of Ontario quilted beautiful images reflecting traditional knowledge and historical events from the perspective of Anishinaabe Kwewag. Thirty-one quilt blocks were designed and sewn using traditional quilt block design techniques and appliqué to tell the stories of First Nation women and their children as they might have experienced life during the beginning of the 19th century.
Join Leslee White-Eye and her friend as they show their work and tell the women’s stories.

Millie Cumming
April 12, 2022
Millie has been quilting for about thirty years and has exhibited in a number of juried shows. She particularly loves cottage quilts, memory quilts, and vintage linen quilts. She has a huge resource library, fabric stash, and thrift store finds; she likes to encourage quilters to personalize their quilts and add “spice” to make their quilts their own.

Gunnel Hag
May 10, 2022
Painted and Dyed Fabrics: A Journey of Beauty
This is an introduction to the magic of colour and pattern in printed and dyed fabrics from around the world as well as hand-printed and painted fabrics that you can create yourself and incorporate into your quilts. As Gunnel takes you on a visual textile trip, you will experience not only the beauty of printed fabrics, but also the techniques used in producing these exquisite textiles. Gunnel also brings actual fabric for you to get close up and personal with. Sit back, get inspired and enjoy!

Phyllis Cullen
June 14, 2022
It’s All About the Face
Join Hawaiian artist, author, quilter and international teacher Phyllis Cullen to learn about portrait quilts. Her lecture will show a wide variety of portraits, with the stories behind them, as well as the basic steps to create one for yourself. From babies to icons, it’s doable following my method. We’ll talk about reference photos, choosing fabrics, construction techniques, and how to quilt them. People, faces, bodies, even animals, there’s lots to see. Lots of time to ask questions, and lots of beautiful quilts.
I’ve been making art all my life, using fabric as a medium (quilting) for 35 years (yikes!). I’ve taught from Israel to Australia and lots of points between. I retired from practicing medicine (much of it a volunteer in third world countries) and now make and sell art quilts, teach almost daily to students from every corner of the world on line ,and am working on my second book. The first one “It’s All About the Face: Quilted Fabric Portraits” is available through Amazon. (Read review here). I’m co curator of the portrait quilt collection “It’s All about the Face,” included in Quiltfest shows. Also a Facebook group of the same name is open to all.
We’ve lived all over the US and other places and now get to call beautiful Hawaii home. It feeds my love of color, and its rich culture inspires my designs. I do not make typical Hawaiian “snowflake” quilts, but the flowers, and ocean and palm trees and hula dancers inhabit much of my work. Portraits, social justice issues, , the animal world, and my family inspire the rest.
When we are able to meet in-person, these are the details:
Guild Meetings are held at Three Willows Church and take place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from September to June.
Library, Membership, Community Outreach and Workshop tables plus Show and Share Sign up List (located on the piano top) are open by 6:30.
The Guild Meeting starts at 7:00pm.
There is a break around 8:30pm
Show & Share at 8:45pm.
Three Willows United Church
(formerly Westwood United Church)
577 Willow Rd., Guelph, ON
N1H 7H3